What we do
Imagine you are forced from your home in fear of your life…
After a long and terrifying journey, you arrive at a more hopeful place, a place which is stable, free from war, and has the ability to look after you…
But now you are trapped in a camp, with poor or no facilities, waiting to be processed… waiting for months and years
Pilipala works to make those camps more welcoming, joyful and fulfilling…
We run art workshops for kids and grownups, providing an opportunity for therapy and self-expression, and to learn new skills.
We draw and paint and sing and talk. We brighten up the camp. We organise carnivals and street parties called #colourthecamp. We paint murals, we do screenprinting, we make papier mache sculptures, and all sorts… (see below for more).
We believe that #artgivesyouwings
Mohammed fled war with his 2-year-old daughter, Christina, and little else. Now sheltering in a warehouse in a refugee settlement in Lebanon, he faces the difficult task of rebuilding a life for his family. Photo: Corinna Robbins/Mercy Corps
Anna holds an enthusiastic mural painter in Athens. Photo: Pilipala